Photo:In the Jungle by __Tobias__
Mes: junio 2015
hacia el faro by clover2500
Antigua window flower by Pejasar
Leap lane. Wallowa county. Oregon by Tanner Wendell Stewart
today’s quick painting. trying to play with loose marks. I haven’t worked in my studio for a while and not sure which direction I want to take. after the mural projects, naturally, it seems like working larger is the way to go. yes. go big! by audkawa
Photo:today’s quick painting. trying to play with loose marks. I haven’t worked in my studio for a while and not sure which direction I want to take. after the mural projects, naturally, it seems like working larger is the way to go. yes. go big! by audkawa
L1008684 by Madame Ma
Wild horses of the Outer Banks, Corolla, NC by Brandon Kidwell’s Photojournal
Photo:Wild horses of the Outer Banks, Corolla, NC by Brandon Kidwell’s Photojournal