Mes: diciembre 2022
Peace And Serenity Prevail At Studio Andrew Trotter’s Casa Maiora
“Return to Arturo’s Island” by Photographer Marta Giaccone
IMGP9914a by Jeff Ke
Andrea Guzzetta.
Pia Riverola’s Debut Photo Book Is a Tribute to the Beauty of Mexico
Estas son las aves ganadoras de los BirdLife Australia Photography Awards 2022
gondola in silhouette by Andy Kennelly
The Beautiful Chaos of Roe Ethridge’s Americana Photos
On first glance, Roe Ethridge ’s photographs look like a literal car crash. In the American photographer’s new, MACK-published monograph American Polychronic , noses are bloodied and eyes are bruised, while ashtrays runneth over, and peaches acquire thick, furry layers of mould.
Origen: The Beautiful Chaos of Roe Ethridge’s Americana Photos