Lilium Original Love by photoga photography

Photo:sad eyes and tattoos, drawing for SCOPE Miami #tattoo #art #pencil #biro #eye #scopemiami #artbasel #gabrielmorenoart by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/NoCBUe
Photo:Supersubmarina, Margaret thatcher and a nipple #artbasel #scopemiami #retrospectgalleries #nipple #pencil #drawing #girl #art #gabrielmorenoart #supersubmarina by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/NHhv4a
Photo:Almost finished for SCOPE Miami #artbasel #scopemiami #art #girl #drawing #gabrielmorenoart by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/NiiD8J
Photo:Dibujando su boca para SCOPE Miami y escuchando a Sabina… se puede estar mejor? #artbasel #biro #pen #art #scopemiami #joaquinsabina #gabrielmorenoart #retrospectgalleries by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/NqLD6z
Photo:Tattooing #artpiece #gabrielmoreno #pentattoo #tatt by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/K31z5J
Photo:El secreto de sus ojos #pencil #gabrielmoreno #newartwork #eyes #womaneyes #girlswithtattoos by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/HPS7Xt
Photo:Old Drawing #girl #smoke #art #pen #gabrielmorenoart by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/MmPLfV
Photo:Pencil & Half Face #originalartwork #gabrielmoreno #face #pencil by Gabriel Moreno Illustration http://flic.kr/p/HPewNj