Varnishing my piece for “Les Petit Four” exhibition That will take place in Sydney 22-Oct to 8-nov. @beautifulbizarremagazine @friendsofleongallery #lespetitfours #sydney #artfair #arteexhibition by Gabriel Moreno Illustration

Photo:Varnishing my piece for “Les Petit Four” exhibition That will take place in Sydney 22-Oct to 8-nov. @beautifulbizarremagazine @friendsofleongallery #lespetitfours #sydney #artfair #arteexhibition by Gabriel Moreno Illustration

My piece for ‘Les Petit Fours’ exhibition, that will take place October 22-November 8 in Sydney. Collaboration between @beautifulbizarremagazine and @friendsofleongallery #lespetitfour #sydney #illustration #artwork #artistic by Gabriel Moreno Illustration

Photo:My piece for ‘Les Petit Fours’ exhibition, that will take place October 22-November 8 in Sydney. Collaboration between @beautifulbizarremagazine and @friendsofleongallery #lespetitfour #sydney #illustration #artwork #artistic by Gabriel Moreno Illustration