Donal Boyd is quite simply a sensational travel and adventure photographer. His breath-taking images from around the globe have gained a huge following on Instagram and he is quickly becoming one of the most influential travel and landscape photographers by rucksackmagazine

Photo:Donal Boyd is quite simply a sensational travel and adventure photographer. His breath-taking images from around the globe have gained a huge following on Instagram and he is quickly becoming one of the most influential travel and landscape photographers by rucksackmagazine

The wipers squeaked and skidded back and forth across the windshield as we drove down I-40. It was a slow Monday morning in January so we had the highway mostly to ourselves. The sky mirrored the asphalt below and teased us with a soft mist. It’s gloomy, by rucksackmagazine

Photo:The wipers squeaked and skidded back and forth across the windshield as we drove down I-40. It was a slow Monday morning in January so we had the highway mostly to ourselves. The sky mirrored the asphalt below and teased us with a soft mist. It’s gloomy, by rucksackmagazine

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