Orion lying and looking not that amused… by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Orion lying and looking not that amused… by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/SbDDgH
Orion looking at me and licking his nose while looking at me by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Orion looking at me and licking his nose while looking at me by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/Ts3Nfc
Pablo lying and looking at me by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Pablo lying and looking at me by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/TkvGfW
Pablo playing again! by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Pablo playing again! by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/S8dWMo
Another portrait of Orion by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Another portrait of Orion by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/TqMPk4
Pablo looking at me by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Pablo looking at me by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/SpX7YS
Pablo looking at me… by Tambako the Jaguar Photo:Pablo looking at me… by Tambako the Jaguar http://flic.kr/p/SHPPDx