Origen: Exploring Post-Apocalyptic Nature and Environmental Issues through Digital Arworks of Nick Pedersen
Etiqueta: loreak
Issei Suda’s Theatrical Shots of Tokyo Street Life
Beetles and Fear: The Inspirations Behind Julia Pilipchatina’s Work
Yuchen Lu creates dreamlike illustrations inspired by Greek mythology and Chinese folklore
Data Spotlight: Artists with the Most Demand in 2023 So Far
Meet He Jiaying, A Celebrated Chinese Artist and Educator Specializing in Gongbi Painting
Iancu Barbărasă’s time-lapse animation captures the joy and commitment of a good relationship
In Monica Rohan’s ‘Disappearing Act,’ Free-Floating Fabrics Disguise Landscapes Under Threat
DSCF4636 by Frostroomhead
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2okY66c
forgetmenots by cl4iri3s
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2okR43i