Origen: Spectacular Winning Photos Of The 2023 Nature inFocus Photography Awards
Etiqueta: monkey
Mother and baby by Tambako the Jaguar

via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2oxKBMp
Three macaques together by Tambako the Jaguar

via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2o5JD2v
A squirrel monkey by Tambako the Jaguar

via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2n3CvcJ
Three macaque babies behind each other by Tambako the Jaguar

via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2m6TN9L
Young squirrel monkey posing well by Tambako the Jaguar
Three macaques keeping warm by Tambako the Jaguar
A macaque eating… by Tambako the Jaguar
Two macaques keeping warm by Tambako the Jaguar
Funny Chimp by WhiteShipDesign